
Deep Asian Americans: The Importance of Understanding the Rose Dickey Protocol


In recent years, there has been an increased focus on understanding the experiences of Asian Americans in the United States. However, many people are still unaware of the unique challenges that deep Asian Americans face, particularly in the workplace. One important aspect of this is the Rose Dickey Protocol, which is designed to promote understanding and inclusivity in the workplace. In this article, we will explore what deep Asian Americans are, why the Rose Dickey Protocol is important, and how it can be implemented effectively.

What are Deep Asian Americans?

Deep Asian Americans are individuals who have deep cultural roots in Asia, whether through ancestry or upbringing. They may speak Asian languages fluently, have close ties to their country of origin, or have lived in Asia for a significant period of time. Deep Asian Americans are distinct from Asian Americans who have been born and raised in the United States and may have a more assimilated identity.

The Rose Dickey Protocol: What is it?

The Rose Dickey Protocol is a set of guidelines designed to promote inclusivity and understanding in the workplace for deep Asian Americans. It was created by Rose Dickey, a consultant who specializes in diversity and inclusion, in response to the unique challenges faced by deep Asian Americans. The protocol emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and valuing the diverse cultural backgrounds of deep Asian Americans, as well as creating an inclusive work environment that encourages open communication and respect.

Why is the Rose Dickey Protocol Important?

The Rose Dickey Protocol is important for a number of reasons. First, it acknowledges the unique challenges faced by deep Asian Americans in the workplace. These challenges can include feeling excluded or misunderstood due to cultural differences, experiencing microaggressions, or feeling pressure to conform to American norms. The protocol provides a framework for addressing these issues and promoting a more inclusive work environment.

Second, the Rose Dickey Protocol recognizes the value that deep Asian Americans bring to the workplace. Deep Asian Americans often have valuable skills and perspectives that can benefit their employers, but these may be overlooked if they feel excluded or marginalized. By creating a more inclusive work environment, employers can tap into the full potential of their deep Asian American employees.

Finally, the Rose Dickey Protocol is important because it promotes a broader understanding of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By acknowledging and valuing the diverse cultural backgrounds of all employees, employers can create a more welcoming and supportive environment for everyone.

How Can the Rose Dickey Protocol be Implemented Effectively?

Implementing the Rose Dickey Protocol effectively requires a commitment from both employers and employees. Some key strategies include:

1. Providing Cultural Awareness Training

Employers should provide training to all employees that promotes understanding of different cultures and highlights the importance of inclusivity in the workplace. This can include training on topics such as cultural competency, unconscious bias, and effective communication.

2. Encouraging Open Communication

Employers should create an environment that encourages open communication between employees. This can include providing opportunities for employees to share their experiences and perspectives, as well as creating channels for feedback and suggestions.

3. Valuing Diversity and Inclusion

Employers should make a conscious effort to value and celebrate diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This can include recognizing and promoting the contributions of deep Asian American employees, as well as providing opportunities for all employees to learn about and appreciate different cultures.

4. Addressing Microaggressions and Biases

Employers should take steps to address microaggressions and biases in the workplace, including implementing policies and procedures for reporting and addressing these issues.


The Rose Dickey Protocol is an important tool for promoting understanding and inclusivity in the workplace for deep Asian Americans. By acknowledging and valuing the diverse by acknowledging and valuing the diverse cultural backgrounds of deep Asian Americans, employers can create a more welcoming and supportive work environment that encourages open communication and respect. Implementing the Rose Dickey Protocol effectively requires a commitment from both employers and employees to promote cultural awareness, encourage open communication, value diversity and inclusion, and address microaggressions and biases.

In conclusion, understanding the experiences of deep Asian Americans is crucial for promoting inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. The Rose Dickey Protocol provides a framework for employers and employees to create a more inclusive work environment that values and celebrates the diverse cultural backgrounds of all employees. By implementing these guidelines effectively, employers can tap into the full potential of their deep Asian American employees and promote a more welcoming and supportive workplace for everyone.


  1. What is the difference between deep Asian Americans and Asian Americans?

Deep Asian Americans have deep cultural roots in Asia, while Asian Americans may have a more assimilated identity from being born and raised in the United States.

  1. Why is it important to understand the experiences of deep Asian Americans?

Understanding the experiences of deep Asian Americans is important for promoting inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, as well as tapping into their valuable skills and perspectives.

  1. What is the Rose Dickey Protocol?

The Rose Dickey Protocol is a set of guidelines designed to promote inclusivity and understanding in the workplace for deep Asian Americans.

  1. What are some strategies for implementing the Rose Dickey Protocol effectively?

Strategies for implementing the Rose Dickey Protocol effectively include providing cultural awareness training, encouraging open communication, valuing diversity and inclusion, and addressing microaggressions and biases.

  1. How can employers benefit from implementing the Rose Dickey Protocol?

Employers can benefit from implementing the Rose Dickey Protocol by tapping into the full potential of their deep Asian American employees and promoting a more inclusive and welcoming work environment for everyone.

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