
Deliveroo Europe: A Case Study of Expansion and Challenges

In recent years, the food delivery industry has experienced significant growth, with companies like Deliveroo expanding rapidly across Europe. However, such growth is not without challenges, and Deliveroo has faced various obstacles in its expansion journey. This article explores the challenges faced by Deliveroo in Europe, including regulatory issues, labor disputes, and the impact of the pandemic.


The food delivery market in Europe has been growing rapidly, and Deliveroo has been at the forefront of this growth. With its innovative platform and fast delivery service, Deliveroo has become a household name in many European cities. However, this growth has not been without its challenges. In this article, we will explore the various obstacles that Deliveroo has faced in Europe and how it has responded to them.

Regulatory Challenges

One of the most significant challenges faced by Deliveroo in Europe has been regulatory issues. In many European countries, there are strict laws and regulations governing the food delivery industry. These regulations include rules around food safety, labor laws, and taxes. Deliveroo has had to navigate these regulations carefully to avoid any legal issues.

Labor Disputes

Deliveroo has also faced labor disputes in Europe. Many of its delivery riders are classified as self-employed contractors rather than employees, which means they do not receive benefits such as sick pay, holiday pay, or minimum wage. This classification has led to protests and legal challenges in many European countries.


Another challenge faced by Deliveroo in Europe is intense competition. The food delivery market in Europe is highly competitive, with companies like Uber Eats, Just Eat, and Glovo competing for market share. Deliveroo has had to innovate constantly to stay ahead of the competition.

Impact of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the food delivery industry in Europe. With many restaurants forced to close or operate at reduced capacity, the demand for food delivery has increased dramatically. However, the pandemic has also created new challenges for Deliveroo, such as increased safety measures for delivery riders and supply chain disruptions.

Deliveroo’s Response to Challenges

Deliveroo has responded to the challenges it faces in Europe by implementing various strategies. These strategies include:


Deliveroo has lobbied governments and regulatory bodies in Europe to try to influence regulations in its favor. For example, in the UK, Deliveroo has lobbied for changes to employment law to allow for the self-employment of delivery riders.


Deliveroo has also continued to innovate to stay ahead of the competition. For example, it has launched a subscription service in the UK that offers unlimited free delivery for a monthly fee.

Partnership with Restaurants

Deliveroo has partnered with restaurants across Europe to expand its offerings and improve its service. For example, in the UK, it has partnered with various high-end restaurants to offer premium delivery options.

Adapting to the Pandemic

During the pandemic, Deliveroo has implemented various safety measures to protect its delivery riders and customers. It has also expanded its offerings to include groceries and other essential items.


In conclusion, Deliveroo’s expansion in Europe has been accompanied by various challenges. Regulatory issues, labor disputes, competition, and the pandemic have all posed significant obstacles to Deliveroo’s growth. However, the company has responded to these challenges with innovative strategies, such as lobbying, partnership with restaurants, and adaptation to the pandemic. As the food delivery industry continues to grow in Europe, Deliveroo will need to continue to innovate and adapt to remain competitive.


  1. Is Deliveroo available in all European countries?
    • No, Deliveroo operates in several European countries, but not all of them.
  1. How does Deliveroo differ from other food delivery companies?
    • Deliveroo offers a fast delivery service and partners with high-end restaurants to offer premium options.
  2. Are Deliveroo delivery riders considered employees or contractors?
    • In many European countries, Deliveroo delivery riders are classified as self-employed contractors rather than employees.
  3. How has the pandemic affected Deliveroo’s business in Europe?
    • The pandemic has increased demand for food delivery but also created new challenges, such as safety measures for delivery riders and supply chain disruptions.
  4. What strategies has Deliveroo implemented to respond to challenges in Europe?
    • Deliveroo has implemented various strategies, including lobbying, innovation, partnership with restaurants, and adaptation to the pandemic.

Overall, Deliveroo’s expansion in Europe has been accompanied by various challenges, but the company has responded with innovative strategies. As the food delivery industry continues to grow, Deliveroo will need to continue to adapt and innovate to remain competitive.

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