
Rob Leathern Leaves Facebook to Join December, Paul and Reuters


In December 2021, Rob Leathern, a former Facebook executive, announced his departure from the social media giant to join December, Paul, and Reuters, a London-based ad consultancy. Leathern is a well-known figure in the digital marketing world, having held various leadership positions in Facebook’s ads division. His move to December, Paul, and Reuters was seen as a significant development in the ad industry, with many speculating on what this move could mean for the company and the wider digital marketing landscape.

Who is Rob Leathern?

Early Career

Rob Leathern’s career in the tech industry began in the mid-1990s when he founded a web development company called “Teknos Consulting.” He later sold the company to a larger web development firm before taking on various roles at several tech companies.

Facebook Career

Leathern joined Facebook in 2011 and quickly rose through the ranks to become the company’s director of product management for advertising. During his time at Facebook, he oversaw the development of the company’s advertising platform, which helped Facebook become the dominant player in the digital advertising space.

Post Facebook

In 2020, Leathern left Facebook to launch a startup called “Privacy,” which aimed to help users manage their online privacy settings. The startup was later acquired by Apple, and Leathern continued to work for the tech giant until his departure in December 2021.

Why Did Rob Leathern Join December, Paul, and Reuters?

December, Paul, and Reuters

December, Paul, and Reuters is a London-based ad consultancy that specializes in helping brands with their digital marketing strategies. The company was founded in 2012 by a team of former Google employees and has since grown to become one of the leading players in the UK digital marketing industry.

Leathern’s Role

Leathern’s role at December, Paul, and Reuters is yet to be announced, but it is expected that he will take on a leadership role in the company’s digital marketing division. His expertise in the digital advertising space is seen as a significant asset for the company, which is looking to expand its services globally.

Leathern’s Statement

In a statement, Leathern said that he was excited to join December, Paul, and Reuters and work with the company’s talented team. He also noted that he was looking forward to helping the company grow its digital marketing capabilities and expand its services globally.

What Does This Move Mean for December, Paul, and Reuters?

Increased Expertise

Leathern’s appointment is seen as a significant development for December, Paul, and Reuters, as it will bring a wealth of expertise to the company’s digital marketing division. His experience at Facebook and Apple is expected to help the company develop new strategies and services to help its clients reach their target audiences more effectively.

Global Expansion

Leathern’s appointment is also expected to help December, Paul, and Reuters expand its services globally. The company has already established a strong presence in the UK digital marketing industry, but Leathern’s expertise in the US market is expected to help the company grow its services in North America and beyond.


Rob Leathern’s move from Facebook to December, Paul, and Reuters has caused quite a stir in the digital marketing industry. His expertise in the digital advertising space is expected to help the London-based ad consultancy develop new strategies and services to help its clients reach their target audiences more effectively. The move is also expected to help December, Paul, and Reuters expand its services globally, with Leathern’s experience in the US market seen as a significant asset.


  1. Who is Rob Leathern?
    Rob Leathern is a former Facebook executive who played a crucial role in developing the company’s advertising platform. He later left Facebook to launch a privacy startup that was acquired by Apple, and in December 2021, he joined December, Paul, and Reuters, a London-based ad consultancy.
  2. What is December, Paul, and Reuters?
    December, Paul, and Reuters is a digital marketing consultancy based in London. The company was founded in 2012 by a team of former Google employees and has since grown to become one of the leading players in the UK digital marketing industry.
  3. What is the significance of Rob Leathern’s move to December, Paul, and Reuters?
    Leathern’s move to December, Paul, and Reuters is significant because it brings a wealth of expertise in digital advertising to the company. His experience at Facebook and Apple is expected to help the company develop new strategies and services to help its clients reach their target audiences more effectively.
  4. What is the expected impact of Leathern’s appointment on December, Paul, and Reuters?
    Leathern’s appointment is expected to help December, Paul, and Reuters expand its services globally, with a particular focus on the US market. His expertise in the digital advertising space is also expected to help the company develop new strategies and services to help its clients reach their target audiences more effectively.
  5. What does Leathern’s move say about the digital marketing industry?
    Leathern’s move to December, Paul, and Reuters is an indication of the growing importance of digital marketing in the business world. It also highlights the increasing demand for experts in the digital advertising space, as companies seek to improve their online presence and reach more customers.

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